Monday, September 17, 2007

so sLeepy

so sleepy today..wat keje pn ntah pape
aku layan jokes nih
jom share ;p

QnA Jokes :D

How do dinosaurs pay their bills?
With Tyrannosaurus checks

What do you do when your chair breaks?
Call a chairman.

What bone will a dog never eat?
A trombone

Where did the farmer take the pigs on Saturday afternoon?
He took them to a pignic

What kind of cats like to go bowling?
Alley cats.

Soklan misteri :
What has 6 eyes but can't see?
cpt2 sape dpt jawab aku blnje biskut rayer hehehe
jawab jgn tak jawab


Muj!b said...

kasi clue ahh sket ..

Miss Su said...

lorr clue laa tuh...
amacam soklan aku, mencabar tak? :D
bg ler dlu jawapan, blh try 3kali jek ok!

HaZiFah said...
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HaZiFah said...

What has 6 eyes but can't see?
jwpn: 3 blind mice

btl x?
ahahahhaha aku nk kuih tart sebotol

Miss Su said...

p'za : hahhaha soklan bocor xaci!!!
aku tak wat biskurt tart ini taun.
nnt aku g kL bwkkn ko biskut len ek ;)

HaZiFah said...

x kira...aku nk kuih tart gak..
ko bwk kuih tart